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Thanks again to @RichieO...

Bill had retired to a town in Kent and went looking for a golf club to , he found one, and went into the "19th hole" to find out about joining,
The barman gave him a document with all the details, he sat there having a pint and reading about membership, it said there was a two tier membership available,Town for £50 (weekday evenings only) and country for £200 (7 day anytime).
A portly gentleman came over, (you know the type handlebar mustache, monocle,and silver handle cane) and said " I seem to know you, were you in the army”?, Bill said "he was," the guy said, "I think I was your commanding officer,
Colonel Horace Ponsonby-Smyth" spotting the document on the table, he quickly added,
"I'm a country member"
Bill looked up and said,
"I remember"

phxbillcee 10 Mar 7
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I don't get it... and I'm not sure what to google to understand it any better.

scurry Level 9 Mar 7, 2019

I'm a cunt, re-member...

@phxbillcee Aaaaahhhhh...ok then. gottcha. funny-ish.

@scurry Never been in the Service, I take it?

@phxbillcee Well, I sort of was... I was a CIL Officer, but not for very long and in Canada. So that might make a difference.

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