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Posting these here cause there's a higher concentration of foul minds. This series is called, "the humor of mother nature"

Freespirit64 8 Mar 24
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i dunno man, that sounds crazy


Is it warm in here or is it just me?

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 24, 2019

creative mother nature

That's a Mother Nature assist. but 2 points


Those penises look just like mushrooms.


I don't think humans will ever get over reverting to their 8-year-old selves whenever confronted with genitalia. Anywhere.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 24, 2019

Thank goodness! I know I sure won't.

I never will, lol.

Nope me either, the fascination will never end.

You say that to someone that has to play with the oysters before he puts them in the pan, how dare you!

@EricTrommater truth

she said genitalia lmao


Who says mother Nature doesn't have a sense of humor. LOL

Whenever I wander in the flower beds, I see vaginas everywhere.

@glennlab and I have penis's coming up in my mulch daily!!!! LOL

@Redheadedgammy your package is on it's way and should be there by friday.

@glennlab Thank you so very much.? I'm so looking forward to having some passion flowers in my yard! ??? I only lost one of my perennials this winter and everything else is coming up.

@Redheadedgammy There are 3 of the lightblue one's in the box, they are bare root, so keep them wet until you get them in the ground, then make sure that they stay wet in the ground for at least the first two weeks, longer if you can. Once they've added about a foot of new grow, you should be out of the woods.

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