In the last 30 years, I don't even know anyone who has been granted alimony.
My mother got it from my dad... they were married from 1959-2003. It might have been more that he wanted to keep taking care of her financially, than that he was forced to. He stayed close to her the rest of her life, doing what he could for her.
That being said, she was a master manipulator, narcissist but covert about it. So who knows?
The laws about alimony vary a lot, state to state. I'm surprised Feminists have not come out against alimony. It implies that women are not capable of taking care of themselves and need a man to provide for them. This is a separate issue from child support.
@Boxdoc I'm surprised you don't realize that men also get alimony... So why should feminists protest it? Can't these men provide for themselves as well... The truth is, the person who earns more income plays the alimony... It's not gender based...
I guess my ex was pretty eager to be rid of me - she hardly wanted anything
I left my last ex knowing I’d get nothing from him. It was WORTH it!
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