3 8

Because avocado and googly eyes make everything better.

OpposingOpposum 9 Mar 18
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Hmmm. Kind of different

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 19, 2018

My "Mom" posts are bleeding over from FB :0

@Blindbird you need a memetampon?

@Rudy1962 lol also ewww

@Blindbird yah that was kind of gross

@Rudy1962 still funny though

@Blindbird no no. It was bad on my part. 40 lashes for me. I'm up to 30, and it hurts so good I'm not sure I'm going to make it 10 more.

@Rudy1962 Premature exclamation!

@phxbillcee hate when that happens


Holy guacamole! (It had to be said!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 18, 2018


Was there maybe a deeper reason that you wanted that lawyer. Did you possibly need a cop & counselor, too? Did your babysitter stop on her own or was she arrested?

@phxbillcee you do realize that was a post I yanked off the internet,right?

@Blindbird NO!! I thought you were sharing your innermost family secrets with hundreds of virtual strangers! How could I have been SO mistaken!!!

@phxbillcee well I've done that too so you can certainly be forgiven the misunderstanding. 🙂

Poor, misunderstood @Blindbird, only her LP get her!

@phxbillcee lolstaples hand to forehead woe is me!!!

@Blindbird The lack of hand-eye coordination can be a sign of something serious. I'd get that checked out if I was you!

@phxbillcee a staple in the eye would REALLY hurt, just saying...

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