The government already controls one healthcare system. The Veterans Hospitals. Talk to at least 5 veterans that have gone through the VA system. Then make up your mind as to whether you want them to run the health system in the entire country.
Actually, the VA in Brooklyn NY saved my life when I had appendicitis not too long after I got our of the Army in the 60s. All I remember is staggering into the hospital and passing out in the lobby, then waking up a few days later.
@Boxdoc My Father, a WWII Veteran was in a WV Veterans hospital in West Virginia . He had Exceptional Care . I was highly impressed with his care and professionalism . Everything is Not The Same Everywhere in America . There is always room for improvement but You are painting with Too Wide a Brush .
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.