2 10

Absolutely true - Blood sucking insurance companies!

OldMetalHead 9 Mar 12
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The government already controls one healthcare system. The Veterans Hospitals. Talk to at least 5 veterans that have gone through the VA system. Then make up your mind as to whether you want them to run the health system in the entire country.

Boxdoc Level 7 Mar 12, 2020

Actually, the VA in Brooklyn NY saved my life when I had appendicitis not too long after I got our of the Army in the 60s. All I remember is staggering into the hospital and passing out in the lobby, then waking up a few days later.

@OldGoat43 Glad they helped you. but that is why I mentioned talking to 5 vets. Not all the stories end well. I worked for the VA system as a Physician Assistant for several years. Plagued by shortages of meds, equipment and staff.

@Boxdoc My Father, a WWII Veteran was in a WV Veterans hospital in West Virginia . He had Exceptional Care . I was highly impressed with his care and professionalism . Everything is Not The Same Everywhere in America . There is always room for improvement but You are painting with Too Wide a Brush .


And the Ignorance will continue .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 12, 2020

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