3 2

Ok, but... The visual made me laugh.

scurry 9 Sep 3
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Funny visual , as a Army vet better run and hide I can kill you with both

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 3, 2020

I have a 150 pound crossbow and a 70 pound hunting bow.... Who needs to buy a gun?


I'll just sit tight. 2020 taught us that the gun nuts can't go 6 weeks with out a pedicure, haircut and latte.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 3, 2020

Ha ha. True!!! But I'm arming myself anyway. LOL
Note: being Canadian, I have hockey sticks and ski poles at my disposal as well. 😀

@scurry I may have some guns left over from my hunting days, but I'll have to get fresh ammo. I've got machetes, baseball bats and other assorted implements of destruction as backup and unlike most of these pansy right wingers I have killed someone (Vietnam War) and been fired at.

@glennlab Thank you for your service! I worked with some interrogators from Viet Nam and they had some crazy ass stories.

@AtheistInNC I never knew whether to believe them or not, but I damn sure wouldn't get into a helicopter with one.

@glennlab I have a razor sharp 11 inch butcher knife better than any machete but with my bows I can get as many guns as I need if these dumbasses start yelling "hold ma beer and watch dis" I spent my time in the Mouldy Crotch and I don't like bullies or traitors...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I like the reach of the 24 inch machete, and it is more intimidating. but both would do lethal damage.

@glennlab Yikes. I have never killed anyone (that I know of) or have ever fired a gun at someone, although I have shot riffles on several occasions.
I also have a baseball bat (should dig it out sometime) and I can probably finds some stuff to throw... maybe some soup.
If worst come to worst I can run at them, naked and screaming. That should work.
Ha ha. 😀😄

@scurry I wouldn't talk about it or even admit it to myself until about 35 years after it happened, it's not something I'm proud of or would want to do again. That running at them naked and screaming would work for me too. Either scare them or make them laugh so hard, they fall out.

@glennlab I'm sure it would mess with your mind. In the heat of battle (and I don't know the circumstances) we do what we need to do; but I'm sure that it was extremely difficult. I'm not sure I could do it. I was in the (Air) Cadets and went on to become an officer for a short time. I considered making it a career, but decided not to.
Althought, durring 911, I was ready to sign up and and stand shoulder to shoulder to protect our parliment (or whatever) should the call have come.
Luckily, that call never came; my life would have been very different.
As for the naked running, I think it's my best shot these days. ha ha!
Stay well.

@glennlab If I have to go after these scum I will not be trying to intimidate them that is a waste of time and likely a good way to end up dead. These fools have been trying to intimidate people which leaves them complacent because so far they have gotten away with it instead of being declared domestic terrorists and shot on sight like should be happening.

@glennlab spot on

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