7 6

the porn star.

mistymoon77 9 Dec 18
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I hope he didn't fart and burn the house down....


Roasting Chestnuts on an open fire...

BDair Level 8 Dec 18, 2020

Beefcake family solstice greetings


This photo has been doing the rounds for at least ten years, a reverse look up shows it to have originally been edited from a 2010 Christmas card for some one called the Burchard or Brukhard family.

I probably had this meme for about that long.. just in time for the holidays to rear its ugly head.


He should be wearing black socks LOL

ADKSparky Level 8 Dec 18, 2020

Good (not) role model for the kids.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 18, 2020

You think not?
Tyger Drew-Honey the son of adult entertainers Ben Dover (real name Simon Honey) and Linzi Drew, is a successful actor, writer and TV presenter.
Many adult film actors have conventional family lives and children who move on to successful careers both outside and inside the entertainment industry.
Judging the fitness of a parent of a child by their legal career choice, I find unnecessarily snobbish.

@LenHazell53 Everyone has their own opinion. Some of us don't brand others we disagree with.

@JackPedigo There is a difference between a considered opinion and an unfounded judgement call based on ignorant prejudice.

@LenHazell53 So what I heard at the beginning that an exception makes the rule. Also, the difference between 'considered' opinion and ignorant prejudice is often one and the same, for some.


That smile looks forced, like something is poking her in the back.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 18, 2020

A forced "pageant" smile lol.

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