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Bet your damn ass

glennlab 10 May 6
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Who knew that the vile calumny, vituperative obloquy, tawdry bawdry and ribald ripostes were a concomitant of intellect?


That's me

bobwjr Level 10 May 7, 2021

My dad was a Lutheran minister when I was growing up so I never heard any cussing other than oh phooey or dang nabbit. I got a hold of The Godfather in the sixth grade and didn’t understand most of it because the swear words weren’t in the dictionary, kept trying to find sonuvabitch, or muthafucka.

As a survivor of domestic violence, I would beg to differ about the honest and trustworthy. I learned all the swear words as he was throwing dishes or punching holes in the walls or trying to choke me. Most fucking assholes can turn the air blue and it don’t mean they are anything but pieces of shit.


Fucking right I fucking am, god damn it!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 7, 2021
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