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Yes, again me... geesh!

BeeHappy 9 Apr 23
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For some reason I only seem capable of growing science experiments in the fridge. The green onions did well when I transplanted them outside.???


I know people that bitch about the planet and they can't even grow a Chia pet.


So many people could improve backyard & front yard habitat for bees butterflies birds and grow much of their own food saving trips to store both delivery trucks and shoppers. ...demand hydrogen cars in all 50 states to end fossil fuel burning poisoning species and melting polar ice below freezing temps


We've always teased my Mom that she has a "Black Thumb", as she kills any plant she takes care of (amazing 5 kids survived!). I even got her a small cactus planter & she killed them within a month!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 23, 2018

Awwww... some of us have other things on our minds. LOL


Not everyone has green fingers! Lol ??

Coldo Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

Cacti are the only ones that survive me, usually. Lol

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