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When owie just doesn't cut it.

mistymoon77 9 Apr 24
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That IS what we all say, isn't it? Lol

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 24, 2018

The fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck one is for those tiny papercuts down between your forefinger and thumb or just under the thumbnail lol !!!

@Nickbeee I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand with a steak Knife once. You should have heard what came out of me then

@Livinlife Hahaha!! record it !!!!

@Nickbeee an entire bottle of wine did not numb the pain. The bleeding wouldn't stop. I work at a hospital, so of course I wouldn't go to the emergency room. I just decided to wait till I go to work the next day. I caught one of the ortho residents and showed it to him. My middle finger was dead, and the pain was shooting up my arm. I ended up needing surgery to repair a nerve and tendon. Lol.

@Livinlife you would need a whole lot of totally fucked bandages for that one. Yewwowie


Nobody really minds a little blood in the salad, do they?

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 24, 2018

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