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Twist on an old theme

glennlab 10 Dec 22
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I did actually start working on a sequel to "A Christmas Carol" some years ago. I called it
Scrooge the Revenge!
Set three years after the original, Scrooge is in Bedlam asylum, committed there as a lunatic by his nephew Fred for frivolously spending his inheritance.
Bob Cratchet has embezzled thousands and now is having an affair with Fred's wife, while tiny Tim and his right hand man "Dodger" run a syndicate of child pick pockets and thieves, having personally impaled Fagin on his old crutch.
London has fallen in to ruin and the empire is falling, as people reform having read Mr. Dickens account of the three ghosts of Christmas and Scrooge's redemption.
In a last ditch attempt to return Ebenezeer to his old ways and so return the people of London back to their old greedy ways, three new spirits visit Scrooge on Christmas eve

The Ghost of Christmas Presents who shows Scrooge how much profit can be made by exploiting the season, with merchandising, advertising
The Spirit of capitalism who shows how money really can rule the world through credit, banking and stock trading
and finally
The Spirit of Socialism, who shows Scrooge the outcome of a world based on kindness and selflessness will develop in to a socialist Utopia filled with hippies, ecologists and liberals who scares Scrooge to almost death.

Scrooge wakes up on Xmas morning completely cured and ready to take over the world!

Maybe now is the right time to revisit the idea.

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