3 13

Your choice.

Akabrickman 3 May 2
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Hard to believe both women live in the same era.

Markus Level 7 May 2, 2018

Easy damn choice!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 2, 2018

Someone should show side by side intact resting newborne baby boys VERSUS religious torture of baby boys strapped to a board shuddering and shrieking in pain 4 square inches of healthy prepuce flesh CLAMPED AND SCALPELED OFF BLEEDING THEN BETADYNE swabbed causing searing pains followed by urine soaked diapers loosening the fresh dried blood for further rounds of gawdly "covenant" pain. ....the above woman in full religious covering over worse amputation of clitoris and labia flesh of teen aged victims of faith

That would be a pretty graphic meme.
But you're not wrong.

@scurry religion is obscene 100% it's rationalizing or diplomacy to pretend faith communities deserve less scorn....obscenities = "shock the mind of a child or innocent person"

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