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This makes me cry…

Killtheskyfairy 9 July 6
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Many times have I wondered what the world has lost in suppressing and silencing women.

I love this post because it brings this to the forefront. However, it makes me angry that women were considered inferior "beings" for thousands of years.

I agree. I know what I’ve lost and know that while it’s huge to me it’s tiny in comparison to what the world lost.

Yeah all that is true but what REALLY toasts my butt are all the women who STILL side and vote for the men who continue to want to keep women in that second class position!!

@silverotter11 my derriere is also toasted by these women, too! It is hard for me to comprehend.

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Posted by glennlabThere are people that need to see this.

Posted by glennlabOften your prejudices show your own insecurities with yourself and lack of trust in your own actions.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyTop spot! USA, USA!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyTop spot! USA, USA!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyBad advice?

Posted by glennlabGet them out of one mythology and they head straight into another.

Posted by MoravianBritish and French imperialism is long gone and hopefully US imperialism will soon follow

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Posted by Lizard_of_AhazWhen you call yourself a "superpower..."

Posted by glennlabIt can be so fucking tough some days.

Posted by glennlabYou're free to believe whatever you want, but not to force that belief on others.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHow did I get to be a senior citizen without knowing this one???

Posted by KilltheskyfairyEasy guide to flags??

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Posted by glennlabYou wonder why they want to limit access to books?

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