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Livinlife 9 May 11
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That’s a bird dog. Crazy for feathers. Deer, not so much.

Markus Level 7 May 12, 2018

Taking one for the team ??

Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018

Id say so!

Going long...

@Emme long and deep!


The dog is saying, "Quick, SHOOT HIM!"

Ah! A bait Dog! Who's a good boy

Well that's a new way to get meat!?

@Emme now I'm jealous

A friend said something about trolling food joints that deliver & picking the ones with the hottest drivers? ?

@Emme sounds like a 70s porno. Ding Ding! Pizzas here! ?

I DID say "a friend" wasn't by any means ME who called the pizza joint to complain about the pizza never having enough sausage/meat...?

@Emme you go, girl!

Dang! I said it was a "friend"! LOL

@Emme lmao!


Are you sure you know what the dog was hunting for?

LEPeff Level 8 May 11, 2018

Probably help


Aggressive angry hunting dog for sale.

Wooh! Must be a GOP deer

Look at the dogs face?

@Emme Looks like the dog is male ... I'd have that face too.

@AtheistInNC Calm down boy, you will come to like it

With cross-species, Idk if male or female matters. ?

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