Tooootally just sang that possum song to Cardi B's Bodak Yellow
My possum's wet like a lake
I'll start a fire, get a kettle and water. You guys get veggies. We're going to cook up some Roadkill stew. Yessiree!
Don't make me roast you...
Always an alternative!
@Blindbird haha, roast, punny....
(I actually like possums, I think they are cool)
@phxbillcee manifold method? cool!
@Lukian @phxbillcee have you guys noticed we're a twisted bunch. Lol @ the conversations here
@Blindbird if we’re twisted, the rest are warped! But I like it that way...
@Lukian, @Blindbird Wouldn't have it any other way!
Awwwww, I have Opossoms living in an overgrown area of my yard. ♥
Watch those 'w's', woman! No more than 2 allowed per aw!
That should not apply to cuteness
@CaroleKay ??? watch out, its the awwwww police.? get your hands up, and for the love of pete don't find anything cute!
@CaroleKay Even then! But cuteness does not at all apply to rodents w/ fanny packs masquerading as marsupials!
@phxbillcee You are only allowed to tag me if you are right, and you are wrong.
@CaroleKay Actually I'm more of a leftist, & what does politics have to do with creepy rodents?
@CaroleKay, @Blindbird Way too many'w's' in that, Angie! Assume the position!
@phxbillcee lol, you wish!
@Blindbird Why, yes! Yes, I do!!! LOL!
@phxbillcee ear perk!! did I here position? hmm?
Who pulls over to take a photo of roadkill? At least leave a balloon on the little guy
Dont possum shame.
I think they take a pic before they pick it up & take it home for dinner!
@phxbillcee well duh
How else am I supposed to feed these monsters?
Repeats! You need new material, mang!
@Blindbird Yeah, but they don't care, now, do they?
Try another one
He's got a point, I like the stripey one. ♥
@Coldo Let me throw you this Yogi with a 'twist'!
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