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I rescued this little guy about 8 months ago. He has FOPS and though he seems happy while he is near or on me, I think he is in a lot of pain and isn't putting on weight. Very worried about him.

fotol8y 3 Sep 13
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Is that related to his teeth not growing in right?

Some people posted that the vet pulled out several of their cats' teeth but it still continued. I wonder if its psychosomatic... i started petting him before he goes into the beating his face part and he calms down. 🐈

@fotol8y I was trying to remember what I did when my son had teething pain. For him the pain was his jaw trying to align properly-it didn't appear to coincide with getting a tooth visibly but I suspect it was associated with teeth moving in the skull toward their final places. I used tulsi tea and some essential oils, although I cannot remember which ones. For me, i had teeth skull pain a most my life, if I come in contact with certain kinds of preservatives I get it again. They told me having my wisdom teeth removed would fix it -it didnt change a thing! Just lost good teeth. If I have an issue now I use tea tree oil, but I wouldnt know if it can be used with cats. I bet someone else does though, I've heard of homeopathic vets.

@Desertcactus I'm gonna check that out! Thank you!

@fotol8y Also a lot of animals (and humans) cannot utilize synthetic vitamins (they become toxic) in their food which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. I know cat food usually has synthetic vitamins. Those can be fixed by giving him some soft liver (chicken livers) and other organ meat (cabeza and heart are good for nutrition once he feels more like chewing) for nutrients in case that is part of the issue. Maybe you could cook chicken livers with some water after soaking in water with a spoon of vinegar overnight and paste it for him. That could help get him some nutrient dense food down. Then theres cheek meat from beef is extremely high in nutrients that could be used to help move teeth because the skull parts where the teeth were have to fill in while the teeth move down. Also, I heard A2 milk doesn't cause issues with cats bc it doesn't have the genetic problem of normal (A1/A1) cows that have become prevalent in modern dairies. Hope some of that is useful.


time for the vets

He's been a couple of times, but due to covid they are only doing vaxes. May have to look for a different one. He's such a sweetie!

@fotol8y I would for sure xx


Poor little guy.


I'm so sorry to hear that. He's fortunate to have someone to love him and look after him. Thank you for rescuing him.

dkp93 Level 8 Sep 13, 2020
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