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Hi! I am new to the group. My husband & I currently only have 1 cat, Mr. Purr. At one point we were living with my mother-in-law in her house and had 13 cats. Which seems like a lot, but we were working with a local group to catch, neuter, and release feral cats. Problem was that the smart ones noticed how much nicer it was in the house and started moving in with us!

MLRoach 4 May 21
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Thanks for your comments. I just lucked out with the gleam in his eyes. I was really trying to capture the one white whisker he has on his left side. He is actually a very dark brown, but even so it is really hard getting a good photo of him.

MLRoach Level 4 May 23, 2018

cool welcome



lol. He looks so bored. <3


Really beautiful photo of the eyes.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 21, 2018

Black cats are the best!!!

graceylou Level 8 May 21, 2018

Hello, Mr. Purr! You are quite the handsome fella!

poetdi56 Level 7 May 21, 2018

Thank you. He was named that because you can hear him across a room when he gets going.

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Posted by OldGoat43 Chewie Of all the wonderful cats who have accompanied me on my life's journey, the one I remember most is Chewie.

Posted by Stephanie1961My fur babies, Mazie, Cookie, Bentley, and Zeke.

Posted by Stephanie1961My fur babies, Mazie, Cookie, Bentley, and Zeke.

Posted by Stephanie1961My fur babies, Mazie, Cookie, Bentley, and Zeke.

Posted by Stephanie1961My fur babies, Mazie, Cookie, Bentley, and Zeke.

Posted by Lilu59My babies Lovebug, Benny and Willy. 💖

Posted by Lilu59My babies Lovebug, Benny and Willy. 💖

Posted by Lilu59My babies Lovebug, Benny and Willy. 💖

Posted by Lilu59This is my pup Willy. He decided to sit on top of his grate with his cat Lovebug. Benny is in the background. 💖

Posted by Lilu59This is my pup Willy. He decided to sit on top of his grate with his cat Lovebug. Benny is in the background. 💖

Posted by fotol8yI rescued this little guy about 8 months ago. He has FOPS and though he seems happy while he is near or on me, I think he is in a lot of pain and isn't putting on weight. Very worried about him.

Posted by warebecMy dogs and cats. All rescues, naturally. My boys (the black cats) cuddle together all the time, it's very adorable.

Posted by warebecMy dogs and cats. All rescues, naturally. My boys (the black cats) cuddle together all the time, it's very adorable.

Posted by warebecMy dogs and cats. All rescues, naturally. My boys (the black cats) cuddle together all the time, it's very adorable.

Posted by warebecMy dogs and cats. All rescues, naturally. My boys (the black cats) cuddle together all the time, it's very adorable.

Posted by Falsifiable1Added a Russian Blue kitten to the family. He’s fearless and just a furrball of energy. So far, my two year old cat hasn’t warmed up to him, but its only been a few days.

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