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"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us"
-Helen Keller
Today is the one-year anniversary of my best friends passing. Maggie the best Rat Terrier ever. I really loved this dog.
Rest in peace dear Maggie.

CaroleKay 8 June 3
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I loved all my dogs but the positives well outway the negatives. every time I lose one it just takes another piece of me.

No kidding. They are family. It's hard to take, but it's what we sign up for when we love somebody, human or not. In the end, we have to say goodbye to everyone and everything we love at one time or another. Hopefully, we don't let that keep us from loving.

@OldWiseAss it should make us love more. ultimately we will say goodbye as such to everything.


Sorry for your loss, CaroleKay.

Keller was such a genius! What a wonderful and amazing life! So many great quotes. Here's one that I love:

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

OldWiseAss Level 7 June 3, 2018

Another cool quote, thank you.


What a beautiful collage. So sorry for your loss. I know today must be tough for you.

LorraineF Level 4 June 3, 2018

Thank you! Xoxo.


Looks like a barrel of intelligent fun! So sad for your loss.

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 3, 2018

Yes, she was, thank you! ♥

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