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I think I might have tactile hallucinations, I know I’m not being touched but it feels like I’m being sexually harassed by these fucked up characters. The first is this one annoying asshole with short-long hair with a black leather jacket and a weird voice. and the other is this gross woman. through my mind I push them away but they keep fucking with me! it’s almost unbearable. I know they’re not real but it’s driving me insane. it all started mid last year.

TimothySkaggs 6 Aug 9
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You need a complete physical workup, probably including Cranial MRI or equivalent.

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 22, 2021

See a psychiatrist, a therapist will probably not help.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 12, 2020

Please go and see a family doctor or physician or even go to a walk-in clinic and tell them of your symptoms... they can refer you to a counsellor/therapist or provide you meds to help resolve your issue.

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Posted by AnnaledaI see there is not a lot of activity in this group.

Posted by of-the-mountainWhy has Zoology become so zoological??? Seems some want to revert too, what others might want too? I hope this is not condescending in any way!!! Just a condition maybe some can question???

Posted by AiveryThis sucks

Posted by pamb68Hang in there

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