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Doing THIS kind of representation or explanation of Liberalism has to be a form of brain disease, or something. I’m serious, there is something wrong with Conservatives.


DZhukovin 7 Feb 5
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I agree; conservatism appeals to the fearful among us.

Conservatives distrust themselves, so of course they distrust and fear others. Those who write constitutions — whether for nations, states, or other organizations — try to identify their many fears and produce the longest documents.

For instance, compare the number of provisions in the US Constitution with the number of provisions in your state’s Constitution. The longer the document, the fewer the number of people who read it. Another for instance, the post-1923 editions of Robert’s Rules of Order.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 15, 2021

When ever I get in to "what is a"...with anyone...I save these two excellent phrases by these two great folk from the past;


Conservapedia was founded in 2006 as a fundamentalist Conservative Christian alternative to wikipedia.
It was originally dead serious but in the last few years it has been revealed that many of their editors are satirists, bending the whole site to being a comedic ultra right wing, fundamentalist Christian/creationist/flat earther parody of its original intentions.
Thought the founders the late right wing loony Phyllis Schlafly (died 2016) and fundamentalist activist Andrew Layton Schlafly always did and still do insist the site is genuine, it is mainly used now for comedic purposes.


Typical juvenile blather. Note the complete lack of examples for the claimed characteristics. It's really just hate-mongering with lies. That strategy has been mined so deeply that pretty much everyone recognizes it, unless they won't admit to it, or are as dumb as a peg.

racocn8 Level 9 Feb 6, 2021
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