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Trump’s Favorite Cable-News Channel is Now One America News

President Trump’s current favorite cable-news network is no longer the Fox News channel, which sometimes disagrees with him, but the ultra-right wing One America News Network - which prides itself on being completely in lock-step with our President on everything.

Good grief, our President actually believes what he sees on the One America News Network? I mean, I always just assumed that network was some sort of bizarre spinoff from Comedy Central, doing absolutely insane satire about Fox News. You mean to tell me they’re actually serious?

I guess you could say One America News is a place where the tin foil hats and the red MAGA hats come together in holy matrimony. And, to be completely fair, why shouldn’t all those inbred, half-witted Trump supporters deserve to have their own news sources, just like actual caring, intelligent and educated human beings do?

You know, the kind of folks who are completely comfortable with a President who ignores data compiled by those “Deep State” intelligence experts, preferring instead to get his information from a for-profit, cable TV outlet, peddling in hysterical rumors, conspiracy theories and political opinion just slightly to the right of Benito Mussolini.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 26
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