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For the those who get their news from “social Media”
Anyone who votes for a candidate running on what is laughingly referred to as the “Republican Party” is a traitor to our country. The elections are not about Conservative or Liberal, Republican or Democrat, but about good and evil, right and wrong. Democratic complacency and voter apathy are enabling the success of tyranny. Votes for democratic candidates are our only hope of allowing for the continuation of democracy and the rule of law, as flawed as it may be, and they are essential for the survival of the republic.
Vote straight democrat!

fishline79 7 Feb 15
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Really? Democracy? Wasn't it Dems who wanted to round up.unvaccinated people?

The divisions are nationalist vs globalist and the globalist are winning.

Mickey Level 5 Feb 16, 2023

The "Religious Right" can certainly be categorized as Nationalist, and they are not Democratic anymore, since the "Dixicrats" all abandoned the party and crashed the Republican caucus.

And I never heard anything about Democrats wanting to "round up" unvaccinated people.??

Hey, Mickey;


Fact check: Claim about unvaccinated being sent to quarantine camps started as satire

Please; you're on a site called "agnostic"....don't make such absurd claims?

That is- unless you're Republican/Christian...then by all means..


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