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Alright, time to get into serious discussion.

It's fair to say that human rights abuses of this magnitude occur pretty frequently, in all parts of the world.

What metastructure, above politics, political theory, economics, and economical theory is the cause of this?

Is it because of orthodox religion? Conservatism? Liberalism? Is it because of human reproduction practices? Child rearing practices?

What creates situations like this?

DZhukovin 7 June 21
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There is probably some racism and classism here too. The parents seem to be Arab Catholics (Yes they do exist!). I doubt he would have done this to an upper middle class couple's kid.

Krish55 Level 8 June 27, 2018

Tribalism and its rules!

Krish55 Level 8 June 22, 2018

Does tribalism and its rules by definition necessitate these situations? Why?

@DZhukovin The ideology and its rules come before humaneness.


I see. So in that, because there is a lack of preclusion, over time we see such things happen.

@DZhukovin I have to look up the meaning of preclusion!


Okay but I was speaking American Standard English, so look that up on Webster's Dictionary, don't use a sketchy source like or something.

@DZhukovin okay, it means what I thought it means. Preclusion of what?


Preclusion of interference of ideology with the necessary prescriptions of humaneness.

@DZhukovin Yes, exactly!


It really took all those hours for us to get to this point. Pretty insulting.

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