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I've read up a little bit recently on the QAnon conspiracy that is now coming to the surface. Just curious as to what "theories" are driving people's thoughts and actions in a political fringe that feels like an alternate universe away from my own mindset. I want to understand, and hope to eventually get back to a place where we collectively agree that multiculturalism is one of the things that makes America great.

So, I'm reading that, according to the lore, the Trump presidency was set into motion by members of the Pentagon top brass, that he was hand selected, that some person or people "Q" is/are leaving digital bread crumbs hidden in plain sight on the internet detailing the goings on of the plight against a "deep state" of unelected officials.

So, the theory as I digest it, is that unelected military officials want to take control of the system in place of unelected political figures, that if another country helped install their chosen one, that's just fine. Any means to an end. Once the military takes control, everything will be dandy.

I mean, I don't put any stock in the theory, because I don't see any evidence to support even calling it a theory. There's that. I don't know. I'm trying to avoid political conversation in the internet lately because it's explosive and people are sensitive and I have next to nothing positive to say right now about our gerrymandered system or the current wh administration. But this is just outright fucking strange and I'm waiting to find that the new conversation is that our Lord and Savior, Lord Business himself, is going to save us from the Lizard People (cough Clinton).

Ok, internet. I've vented. Not sure I feel any better as a result. If I put this in the wrong group, please accept my apologies. If my son is blasphemy, take solace in the knowledge that I happily blaspheme all gods and demigods and oligarchs and strong men.

Tampabrew 7 Aug 3
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Our Lord and Savior Trump is a false Messiah.

And considering his number of bankruptcies, also a false profit.


Dude you are 100% fine. This is an appropriate group for this. Check the rules, you are fine. I would know, since I made this group. I find your post very inspiring of thoughts of my own, and I appreciate it.

Now there is a mistaken assumption, and I will note them to contribute constructively.

Not everyone is philosophical when it comes to politics. Politics is partly a way to allocate resources, so many people are joining with certain parties to get certain jobs, and have cultural influence in certain spheres. People are literally voting to survive and to affirm their plans for their lives, or their current conditions.

I would not be surprised if Trump was hand-selected. It's not like the people have the real capability to influence our essential system anyway. The entire power and resource structure belongs to the banks, the militaries, the police, the pundits, the media, etc. People only control numbers, but this power is negated because they are easily manipulated. They are this way because they are raised and conditioned to be emotional, overly active, and generally more like animals and children rather than adults. They are encouraged to drink alcohol, get high, spend money, smoke, eat junk, and reproduce so their children are guaranteed to be just as sub-human as their parents. Their jobs are always being made easier and they are intentionally given many tasks to do in a day so they have to automate and cut corners.

So basically your core population in the USA is defined and affirmed by the power structure to be human accessories for buying things, creating work, and meeting agendas by the aggregation of human labor into populationally scaled goals (ie raising money for wars). They don't have the proactive support of the power and resource structure so counter-cultural movements die out.

The result of this is that because the power and resource structure is just this big unthinking force of nature, the system is going to run into crisis, which is exactly what we are dealing with. We are going to deal with the disappearance of crude oil, food shortages, mass unemployment, a continued drug problem, health issues, etc. because the power and resource system creates a hyper-authoritarian system with lots of wild power.

DZhukovin Level 7 Aug 3, 2018

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