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Richard Wolff on the ugly side of the class system. You don't have to be left-leaning to agree that our hamster-cage system needs fixing. I like to think I am pragmatic on economics and favor a type of mixed economics, but this socialist economist makes a big point.

DZhukovin 7 Aug 10
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I reposted the video outside of the group btw. I have you credit for the original post, but I don't think there's a way to link directly to it.

Lmao post credit is not a thing

@DZhukovin Some people get really hot over not getting credit. I'd rather give it than get into a stupid argument with someone. Ah well...


Are you saying I would be hot :3


Those of us who have no choice but to acknowledge class distinction (service, retail, the offshored, etc...) have been saying exactly this. Economic Conservatives, Libertarians, and other advocates of unrestrained capitalism -who actually turned out to be (not so) secret protectionists, funny that- have always railed against regulations while simultaneously hiding behind them. They balk at regulations like consumer protection, environmental conservation, voting rights, labor laws, etc. but survive on those that are union-busting or restrictive on protest. What they love to forget is that before those were viable options for addressing grievances, the only recourse for the proletariat was storming the castle. It was Dr. King that said that "Riot is the language of the unheard." When grievance goes unheard and all civilized forms of redress are taken off the table, all that remains are the uncivilized ones.

I think peaceful non-cooperation should be used. The British in India could not continue to rule when the Indian people refused to cooperate. The buses in the segrated south could not continue to operate when black people refused to use them. If these methods are not sufficient to force fair play in this modern society, then I'm sure you're right. I hope I'm right that it doesn't have to come to that.

@brentan I don't know that that's much of an option anymore. Between an environment where workers at these levels are too easily replaceable (particularly if they can be offshored or automated) and the reality that they would be homeless within two weeks, I don't see it being any kind of feasible.

@ghettophilosopher That's a good point. I often think too that globalisation was brought about to trample the rights of workers in their own countries.

@brentan I agree to an extent. Whether or not it was planned, or simply an unintended side effect, globalization did have the effect of displacing workers... IN THE SHORT TERM. I place that emphasis because ultimately the effect balances out. We can see that in China, where much of the population made leaps in there wages and were propelled into the middle class. China, as a result, is increasingly moving away from it's position as king of cheap labor. Offshoring for cheap labor can only work for so long, as the recipients of those jobs eventually catch up with the rest of the world and opportunity evens out.
The real culprit behind our growing wage gap is NOT globalization -as we will soon discover when our protectionist policies backfire stupendously- it's our own corporatocracy. They've helped themselves to increasingly larger shares of the rewards of labor. We have become beholden to the oligarchy because they wield the majority of power within our government. It's the modern-day version of feudalism.

@ghettophilosopher That's very well thought out!

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