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article on the war in Yemen:

my comment:
to a point, I think the better US policy would have been just to stay out of most things in the Middle East. To what end has the US been an actor in the Middle East? For example, when it supports Saudi Arabia so strongly, what is the purpose of that?

kmaz 7 Nov 1
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The Iranian leadership could easily be toppled. The country is really called Persia, the people are NOT Arabs,
and they hate their Arab leadership. The economy is in turmoil, the people in revolt, and Persian people all over the world want their beautiful nation to go home.
They have antiquated military technology, NOW, with Israel having the F35s they have complete control of the air, and can map the battlefield out with phased array radar, thus sending identification and targeting information to other weapon systems.

The Iranian army, like other Arab armies in the past, would not fight with commitment, as they do not support their government, and are splintered between factions.

When you play chess, which is war, you don't attack the pawns to win, you must defeat the leaders. The Iranian Arab leaders have no skin in the game. The initial F35 attacks should blind their radar, antimissile systms and target their leaders.

Bush's taking Sadaam out took the balance of power out of the region, and worse, he fired all Sadaam's soilders. So, they had all these highly trained, battle hardened men without jobs with weapons. It was easy for ISIS to recruit them. That's where ISIS came from, thank you Mr. Bush.

Right now, Saudi's and Israel's politics align and they may never again.

And, the Persian people would see their nation as liberated while protecting the world's oil supply. A threatened oil supply could cause worldwide economic disaster.

Bob4Health Level 5 Nov 17, 2018

This is how I see it - an unwinnable proxy war against Iran. Here's the context from the article:

The Obama administration agreed to support what the Saudis called Operation Decisive Storm with considerable reluctance, seeing it as an unwinnable proxy war against Iran.

brentan Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

So, I think let's (those of us in the USA) give in to our better judgment and instead of doing what we are so reluctant to do, just not do it. Let's withdraw such strong support for the Saudis.

I'd like to see a bill presented in Congress, even if it does not make any headway, to rescind any permissions to make the arms sales to the Saudis.

There are myriad reasons why many would say this wouldn't work, or would cause terrible economic damage and so-on (revisions to international petro-dollar type relationships?) and those reasons might be valid, but it's something I'd like to see discussed amongst the US public in a more wide-open and ongoing way. Because the price we are paying to avoid those problems is, amongst many other things antithetical to anything resembling the better side of the USA, to support a country that appears to be on the verge of starving millions of people to death.

This is just an excuse send weapons with a good conscience warmonger states. And: Food and medicine don't improve the situation of the people long-term.

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