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All the little bobble-heads are just wonderful but how to we fix the broken machine of bureaucracy? People scream about the national debt, they rant and rave over where our hard-earned tax dollars should or should not be spent but isn't most of it spent on inefficient systems, archaic processes, and flat out greed of government managers/executives? Just the insane waste of money every September because of the "use it or lose it" budget mentality. Back in 2002, I was part of a crew that installed $17,000.00 worth of theater seating for a training room in a building that was going to be abandoned the next year.

Corsair 4 Feb 20
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Well, we live under the consultation of people who either have no problem solving, or they sincerely think problem solving doesn't work. Fundamentally, objective decision making in U.S. politics relies on nothing to ever really improve or change so things are understandable to the complete fools who make those decisions. We have an over-sized, over-funded, centrally controlling government that tries to tie too many policies per item.

DZhukovin Level 7 Aug 2, 2019

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