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Long story short, this video is about a supposedly properly conducted study on male and female brain differences...because that's totally reflective of these populations, right? It's really just more political bullshit, composed by inferiors. (More on the topic of inferiors, here: []

This video is just a lot of really old, poorly updated and prejudiced "science".

I think people hear that there are studies to back something up, but barely care to see whether it was accurate or not, and I think that John Stossel is just another one of these ignorant old right-wing farts trying to repeat old shit from the past that poorly reflects what is true, real and actual.

Stop letting people tell you what is true. Read real shit. Gather study materials made of real shit. Question shit. Compare shit to reality. Observe shit. Stop being brainwashed, lied to, etc. by these rope-a-dopes, assholes and idiots who don't care about telling the truth.

DZhukovin 7 Oct 15
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@DZhukovin. Shit...Read it? Gather it? Question it? Compare it?

A meme comes to mind....

Robecology Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

I have heard from a neuroscientist that they (neuoscientists) cannot tell whether a brain scan is from a male or female without other information.

sfvpool Level 7 Oct 16, 2019

Okay. But how does that really say anything? There could be multiple reasons why they cannot tell.

Anyway, I don't really give a shit about what your input might be. I take no interest in input that ultimately says nothing.

Do you know why the topic of the imperfect veracity of scientific studies gets me so worked up? It's because there is no really competing alternative. So many people get lied to because right-wing assholes don't want to allow others to question things on grounds of pure reason.

Science gets used as a political tool to control mass behavior and people don't see how stupid it is.

There's also that stupid bit at the end about AOC saying that the wage gap is an injustice...I don't know how Stossel musters up the lack of brain cells to assume she's wrong. Obviously if we're all being paid like shit, then that makes the wage gap an injustice, by consequence. The wage gap is just another iteration of underpay.

Granted, there are people who milk their job for money and don't deliver because they're fucking stupid and can't be competent for that reason. There are people who take jobs they can't really do to the detriment of the more deserving who might get personally disfavored. People might be asking for more money than what is reasonable to pay for many reasons, such as the profitability of the company, how many hours were actually worked, employee performance, etc. and those people should be told "fuck you, grow some brain cells and actually be worth enough to be paid what you're asking". Those people are fucking worthless and badly need their head pulled out of their asses for fucking up their organizations.

However, that's not the case here. John is a fucking idiot who seriously believes in wingnut ideas, point blank.

@Bierbasstard Perfect comment! LOL!


Please, if I was only stupid enough to consume sucrose and other terrible-quality carbohydrates.


Probably. Yes. No. I don't know. I'm busy thinking about something else.

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