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Let’s have a serious discussion about fixing our endangered democracy. Any takers?

Of course, this begs the question: how?

Let us begin by admitting we can’t solve a problem without understanding the cause. So what are the causes, and the history, of of our (speaking here of the United States) diminished and endangered democracy?

Shall we start with a possible list? Here is my start:

Ignorance of the ideals of our government ?
Ignorance of how our government works ?
Ignorance of U.S. history ?
Fear of “those other” people?
Authoritarianism ?
Lack of a moral foundation ?
Inability to think critically ?
The Republican Party ?
Amoral Trump ?
Moscow Mitch ?
Fear of socialism ?
The NRA ?
The Federalist Society ?
Religious fundamentalism (i.e., the Bible should shape U.S. law) ?
Citizens United ?
Capitalism ?
Inequality ?
Conspiracy theories (i.e. the “deep state&rdquo😉 ?
Electoral College ?
Broken Gatekeeper process ?
Lost Cause myth ?

Please add any that you think are missing or challenge any of the above you disagree with.

Next, can we identify the history of these causes? Can we clarify why and how they have contributed to the problem?

Which are the most serious? Can we prioritize three or four to focus on that might help us bring back our democracy?

Let’s have a serious discussion about what needs to be done. Then perhaps we can identify what ‘we’ can do.

SeekingWisdom 6 Dec 20
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“The best remedy for democracy,” surely said by someone, “is more democracy.”

Diminished and endangered democracy when America, the nation, has never been a democracy? It has ALWAYS been an oligarchy, ruled by 535 elected people who are free to become predators.

However, the voters in the 18 states with the direct initiative, referendum and recall can elect legislators and not become prey.

Until the people here narrow the list of problems to about three and work on those, good luck.

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 27, 2019

Having a discussion here on an agnostic site won't affect many.

BUT For what it's worth; here's my opinion;

There's two things that are affecting the growth or repression of democracy;

The growing population, and the human- and animal - instinct of greed.

One key is money, and the push to get more. It's clear that money buys advertising....and advertising changes minds. And it's also clear - to me- that the addiction to money - greed - will cause a decline in democracy, and the human condition.

I will add that as a scientist/demographer....the root of our problems is the growing populations...158 more births, than deaths, every minute. 227,000 every day. A millon more every 4.5 days.

This pressure - on our environment, on our governments, and on governments that want to govern democratically...has clearly been negative. Democracy is in decline...and the need to control people is obviously growing.

The solution - to me - is obvious.

Family planning. Changing the tax structure to incentivise small families, not large ones..could help us redirect.

Unfortunately - I see little progress in this direction.


Robecology Level 9 Dec 22, 2019

I agree. Greed and population growth should be at the top of the list. Add climate change (caused be greed) and it is clear that the planet can’t sustain this. I worry for my grandchildren.

@SeekingWisdom Your last sentence is the key.

If we simply think about next generations in the way we go about our lives, we'll be living wiser lives.



Money "buying" power through politicians.

Eliminate this and all the other problems go away.

moosepucky Level 7 Dec 21, 2019

Greed is our Achilles Heel. That will be the thing that brings us down. Most of the things on your list have been with us for a long time, some of them since the 1700's.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 21, 2019
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