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Hi fellow members. Got my BA in Political Science 2 yrs. ago. Was a delegate for Bernie Sanders for the 2016 election season. I think our political system desperately needs reform. Having open primaries would be a tremendous first step, which would enable independents to have THEIR preferences be counted. At some point I will devise a poll to gauge receptivity.

42Belvedere 4 Apr 12
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We have open primaries in MN. I like it that way. I have never had to change my affliction that way.

Ktcyan Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

It's okay, the free market lets us vote with our dollars for institutional change. How do you think that things like television a la carte came to be? From chemtrails? No. It would never happen. Modally implausible!

Also, you are right, some reforms need to be, but I believe in reforms in the form of improvements to the character of the political system.

For example, one thing I hate about our system is bloc politics. They are using the voting system to move people into other people's resources, against the property rights of others. This is a terrible thing, because there is no freedom when attritious, heavily pre-occupying conflicts such as political conflicts are mandatory. It's just there to make people sick!

DZhukovin Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

Please, take your half baked right wing free market libertarian BS somewhere else. You are spewing out word salad and its obvious. So obvious It doesn't even make any sense.

You are literally calling for oligarchy with the very first sentence. How simple minded for someone who uses such big words hahaha


Okay, I just caught on to that you were pulling my leg. That was funny and I appreciate it, but joking is not as fun via textual communication.


Congrats and good luck

TimZornes Level 3 Apr 12, 2018

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