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HI guys! Im new to this site and I wonder how many of you guys are leftists or socialist? Im going to assume most of you are lol

Shanabanana 4 Apr 18
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This is not a left-wing group to any extent. If we have left-wing members, it's because I am platforming beliefs I don't necessarily hold, because I support the free exchange of ideas.

My experience with left-wing ideas is that up until 2008-2009, which was my junior year of high school, I held very strong left-wing views, but for many years, I have not been interested in the ideas of any of the standing political factions.

DZhukovin Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

Not sure you understand this topic


It is very possible that I don't, but know this, in recall of your statement:

This group was put here by me. I am not left-leaning to any extent other than I notice some overlap between the thinking of the left and the right. If left-wingers are here, or anyone of any faction, it's because it's foolish to think of politics without thinking of individual minds.


Definitely socialist-leaning. I did a semester at Uppsala University in Sweden. I was able firsthand to witness the advantages of democratic socialism government.

Wow, so can you shoot lasers out of your eyes, too?

awesome I would love to visit Sweden one day myself


Probably, partly because capitalism doesn’t work. There needs to be a mix of different government. Unfortunately we are closer to a pure capitalist government which last time led to the “Great Depression”

History books are very clear on the underpinnings of what happened in the Great Depression, and it wasn't capitalism.

Unregulated banks, unfettered corporations, no unions, and no labor laws! I’d say that is pure capitalism.


Not really. You need to read on capitalism.

Hmmmm. I think I’m well versed, but what do you consider capitalism? What do you think caused the depression?




Those should answer your questions.

Basically, the Depression happened due to particular reasons.

Economic conditions have to do with the health of business organization network. Sometimes people who are in positions of power over an economic unit, be it a bed of wealth, a business, etc. will make decisions that detract from the real implications of their role, and this causes economic problems. These problems can be made worse when people in those positions suppose conditions that don't actually exist. This is called "planning in the dark".

@DZhukovin ok so I read the articles both a different construction of material read many different times. “Insight” to what you believe is relevant to the discussion. So that when I explain to you that capitalist owned the factory, the property, and the stores to which their workers shopped. The restrictions to business allowed for business to fail without bringing down the entire country. The super rich were in charge of payment of workers. They made it so they couldn’t afford to live, this surviving on credit at the corporate owned store. The super rich operated without regulation and it caused multiple areas of business to collapse at once. Then it was a domino effect. Once banks no longer had capital lend they closed. These factors contributed to the Great Depression. Unregulated and carelessly managed business at the governments expense! This was the fault of the principle of pure capitalism which doesn’t work. The greatest growth in our economy and development was when social programs protected the citizens of the country. Which is what governments are supposed to do. Now because we are rolling back social programs and restrictions on financial institutions we will see the same process as the recession.


So it makes sense to say that a single person can only effectively manage so much at once, so economic centralization is always necessarily bad.

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