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The current situation in USA makes me want to bang my head against a wall. I do what I can - you know, send emails, sign petitions, donate money, sometimes go to rallies and marches. Does anybody here share my fears?

SKH78 8 May 5
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Yes! We need to get the caring people out there to vote Blue Wave and stop the madness!

TerriCity Level 7 July 8, 2018

Yes, you are not alone. I've been waiting for the revolution since 2008. We have now surpassed the level of inequality present during the French Revolution. Capitalism is only positive if it is well regulated. There is a point at which the pitchforks will come out...I hope.


What situation are you referring to?

DZhukovin Level 7 May 6, 2018

if you have to ask...

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