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Hello I am new here. Full disclosure: I am an Independent. I am fiscally moderate but socially very liberal. As a member of many marginalized , (Native American, Mexican American, Female and mother of an LGBT child) I hate Trump with a passion. He is a threat to democracy itself. I was a Bernie supporter but voted for Hillary. Now I spend my days hoping for this nightmare that is the Trump administration to come to an end.

cmontes 5 May 6
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Well, let me be the first welcome you. We have a lot in common. Well, maybe not a lot except I agree that Trump is dismantling democracy, I supported Bernie but decided to vote Hillary. But, we have that in common.

Dingodog Level 7 May 6, 2018

I'm not necessarily against Trump. I don't support every single thing he does or says, but when he does the right thing, it's the mature thing to give fair credit. If your news outlet is always ragging on Trump, then it's not telling the whole story.

It's a common misconception in politics that a single office holder has the essential influence in the eventualities of the country, and abroad. It does not work that way, the situation is always comprised of more details.

DZhukovin Level 7 May 6, 2018

Well where to start? Here are my news sources: NYT, Washington Post, NPR, The Hill, Wall Street Journal, BBC, The Guardian Australia, Rachel Maddow, Slate, and more. And as I work in government and minored in political science in college I am well aware of how each office can influence the country. Just like I know appointing people who want to dismantle the EPA to that office can cripple it. Not appointing people to the state deparrment horribly weakens us globally. Attacking the dept of Justice constantly threatens our separations of power. And attacking the media threatens our transparency and one of our checks and balances. He has done an incredible amount of damage to this country and he isnt done ywt.

@cmontes Your news sources are not objective news sources. I'm sorry, but you're being manipulated.

@DZhukovin excuse me sir i have a PhD in Education and I know my judgement is quite sound. I know which way different outlets lean and which are meticulous in their sourcing and which are not. If i gave you a list of all my sources we would be here for days. Suffice it to say I don't need you to mansplain politics, critical thinking or to demean my ability to think for myself. You have quite the ego.

@cmontes Okay it's good that you have other sources.

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