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So, what's your take on tariff policy??

Theskeptic 7 June 1
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AP July 1, "trump tariffs make promise to rebuild infrastructure harder".


Asinine. Just look what GM said yesterday, it will create job loss, and make cars more expensive. Our Markets are being closed because of price hikes, putting businesses out of business. America is now hated all over the world, except for Russia of course, where our real leader resides.


Tariffs, like all taxes, need to be dealt with.

Tariffs can be used to encourage the sales of US products but they can cause other countries to retaliate with their own tariffs, and I think that removing or severely cutting export tariffs to open up better transactions for US businesses would be a good experiment.

US markets will simply have to learn to compete by innovating how they procure products and services.

DZhukovin Level 7 June 2, 2018
  • I have long thought that the US's trade deficit situation is very bad.
  • I wish I could find data on the net deficit in both goods and services. Instead, I can see hard data only on the deficit in goods:
  • I am good with addressing deficit questions with China as though action is urgently needed. I am not good with just sitting on this any more.
  • With that being said the approach of the present administration doesn't seem very coherent. Instead they seem to be sending mixed signals to so many.
kmaz Level 7 June 2, 2018
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