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Is this why I got no answers to my last post? . I do know my questioning is wrong

Science is Not for Our Kind
Science is a staid professor with wild hair
In an unkempt white lab coat stained with grease
From a hamburger he ate without tasting

Science is searching for his own truth.
Throwing other theories out to hither and yon
Insisting on his own ways; wanting some credit.

Science is not for our kind;
Too high brow for us, my darling.
Stick with your gardening; you can plant carrots.

Sure you can prance optimistically into a lab
And give science your ideas
But they are worthless.

When Science shoves them back into your face
or stuffs them into a test tube and dashes it to the floor
Then will you come back readily to sling some hash?

The only science worth studying is astronomy
And there is no money in it. It is not for people like us.
We are sandwich makers, honey.

Now get your *** off of that cloud
and come back down here where we belong.
Hiding our dreams and aspirations in our stained aprons.
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2020

Mcflewster 8 Jan 12
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@Mcflewster The poem is weird.
It's hard to read.
It doesn't make sense.

I love your enthusiasm, but this seems to be contradictory and confusing.

This - above - is not why you got no answers...but it does seem to express that most folk are alienated by "science"?

Perhaps you should consider re-naming the group. Instead of "Non-religious science teachers any age" - expand and it "Science and education" or just "Science Education"? I don't think anyone's taken just "Science" that might broaden your membership and participation?


Robecology Level 9 Jan 16, 2021

I realize that I am trying to encourage a topic that is hated by so many people, But they are really just "shooting the messenger"

Mcflewster Level 8 Jan 12, 2021

Perhaps, that being the case, you would be kind enough to explain what the message actually is?

@LenHazell53 Thanks for that question. It is my way of working to wait until the questioning mood arises. I have just been on a zoom call about faith schools and the hour is late but I will think about the answer and reply soon. There is a message there. It is not scaring people off that is the difficult bit.


Not sure what point you are trying to make?

That's what I was wondering too

@LenHazell53 could read it several different ways

One could, but it would be a total waste of time, the poem is new age pretentious nonsense without literary or technical merit.

@LenHazell53 that might explain it

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