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TO hypothesize or not to Hypothesize. That Is the question!.

I trend to think that PROGRESS, which I have mentioned before in posts, is associated with the continuation of learning. This begs the question “What am I learning” by staying here. Friendship yes but changing your own life by listening to other peoples experiences ??? Does it work?

Of course I would say “ Do Science to solve your problems ” but then very few people have done any real science which is worth publishing widely . What they have done in schools and other places of learning is “ Other people’s science:", repeating and reading about other people’s initiative. It is only at the later stages of education that you get to solve all the problems of producing original discoveries .

I want ALL people to do some original science using their own choices about everything involved. Choosing and working through by themselves , This should be possible for any person over the age of 7.

This is because Human activities like Hope, surmising and wishful thinking have no leverage .

By that I mean no “ UMPH" to get things done and concluded until the next problem comes along.

The difference between real science and “ Just having a go ” at yours or anyone else’s science is called AN HYPOTHESIS fitted to your unique situation and it is the crunch bit that will or will not give you success with solving the problem.

It could be described as a a well thought out plan that, with some tweaking, can lead to a positive solution - even to the marketing of a new product or service.

Would anyone else like to say something about the word Hypothesis? Be sure not to let yourself be put off because it really is the key to progress in life-s problems that is rarely talked about outside SCIENCE JOURNALS.

Mcfluwster 7 Aug 21
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I taught science for 45 years; and I always kept it simple;

a Hypothesis was - and is... "an educated guess" nothing more....nothing less.

Robecology Level 9 Aug 22, 2023

I can see why this was used and in some famous instances has proved very useful.

Future science for the Masses will have to find a better way to surely conclude and give confidence..

@Mcfluwster Good suggestions...but it appears you're preaching to the choir. Scientists are largely ignored these days.

@Robecology I am certainly but not by you. I blame the professional philosophers in going their own sweet way .Literally taking a line for a walk amongst a thinking nation and never bothering to prove anything but making sure they get enough words into a book and selling a good few copies to have a comfortable living,

This does not apply to the rest us amatuer philosphers

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