3 2
  1. US universities are some of the best in the world when it comes to STEM education and research.
  2. STEM education usually enables one to get a well-paying and satisfying job

Why then do postgraduate STEM programs at US universities have more than 50% international student enrollment? Is there a statutory requirement to keep it so? Are the US students not interested in a MS or PhD in STEM?

Spongebob 7 Nov 15
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Many US students simply cannot afford to pursue an advanced degree.

Amzungu Level 8 Nov 16, 2020

That's really unfortunate because advanced degrees can unlock higher earnings potential


There's a "secret weapon" that MIcheo Kaku explains that allows foreign students in very easily google H 1B.

or watch this;

Robecology Level 9 Nov 15, 2020

I am an international student and am very familiar with the H1b system 😊
Is it a failure of the US education system that foreign talent has to be imported? Or do they prefer foreign employees as they can be cheaper?

@Spongebob - good question.

I look at foreign influx this way....we in America need it. We should welcome it...and this H 1B does. Go in to any hospital. The employees and doctors there are to a large extent obviously new immigrants....

But it's also a warning to our educational system.

We are obviously weak in integrity.

We pay teachers meagerly compared to other nations.

We don't welcome innovation - due to the local taxpayer controlled funding.

Local taxes fund most US educational systems...and no one wants higher property what suffers the most is the US educational system.

It's not the way other nations do it....thus they are gaining and passing US educational standards. In the 1950's we were #1 in many we're way much lower in international rankings in math, science, and reading.

@Robecology that's my feeling as well. American education system is failing Americans for the most part.


Early on in STEM education programs, the programs had a problem understanding the Engineering part of STEM. Many thought engineering meant building models and kits. I hope its changed.

My MS is in science curriculum and instruction. I got it before STEM became a thing. My PhD was in Educational Policy and Leadership.

I have been using STEM principles throughout my teaching career. My uncle worked for NCAR in Boulder. He was a machinist and carpenter who worked to make and helped design the delivery systems for the scientists at NCAR. I took a tip from him and when I became a scientist, and then a Science teacher, used used that engineering example as part of my program.

t1nick Level 8 Nov 15, 2020

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