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Our bodies are electric. Without electricity, our nervous system won’t carry signals between synapses.

yvilletom 8 Aug 3
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Each one of our cells is like a tiny electromagnet

t1nick Level 8 Aug 4, 2021

"Our bodies are electric"
. . . taking off 'blinders' . . . they are ALSO 'chemical',etc. πŸ˜›


At a synapse, an arriving electric signal releases chemical molecules that cross the synapse and MAY enter adjoining nerves.

@yvilletom I need no convincing, I (very) recently finished both of these 'good reads' :


I tried to point-out that the body is MORE than 'electric' πŸ˜›

@FearlessFly . I did not say the body is only electric or not chemical. And, LOL, how many kinds of energy are necessary to push a custard pie onto your face

@yvilletom "Our bodies are electric"

Given your well-known position on EU, the post seemed to me to have 'an agenda' πŸ˜›

@FearlessFly It does and I do. The bb is a religion for people who are unable to quit religion. Governments need well-educated people for emergencies and have to subsidize some, but the bb encourages low quality thinking.

A part of my above post got lost. When I lived in SF, Sapolsky was on PBS often. I liked his stuff but stopped seeing him.

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