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When Mind Games Masquerade As Physics ( 6 min. )

yvilletom 8 Aug 8
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Well, I read this Entire thread and I have 3 comments for all off you: 1. The Daily Mail???!!???
2. Insufficient data at the present time to get your panties twisted.
3. Reminds me strongly of "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" In terms of immediate relevance.

IMO, what makes it relevant are the many tens of billions of taxpayers’ dollars/euros that governments ( except Russia ) are spending each year. The little I’ve seen of what Russian astrophysicists are doing said they long ago rejected the Big Bang


One of the strands of argument here seems to be that certain Daily Mail article describing an announcement by theoretical physicists is hyperbolic bullshit. A statement with which I won't argue. To then suggest that the source of the bullshittery must be the theoretical physicists suggests that the person making this argument is unaware or perhaps choosing to ignore that almost everything that the Daily Mail has ever touched turned to populist bullshit of the most contemptible kind. That's not to say that the physicists initial announcements were or were not bullshit in their own right before they'd gone through the turd mangle at the mail, but the result afterward is consistently awful either way and tells us nothing useful about the source material. Friends don't let friends read the Daily Mail, let alone use them as a citation.

MattHardy Level 7 Aug 8, 2021

Say what you mean in many fewer words, Matt. Ditto for your bio and write it in paragraphs so it’s readable. Or don’t.

He’s not citing the Daily Mail as evidence; he’s saying it published rubbish generated by theoretical physicists.

@yvilletom no he doesn't cite the physicist's publications, only the Daily Mail article.

@MattHardy Matt, you’re on too much of something. Get sober. He doesn’t cite physicist’s mags because he’s dealing with the info the public gets. They read the Daily Mail.
Make your bio readable too.

@yvilletom nice insults, try to demean my looks next, I'm not pretty. Whatever the reason for citing the Daily Mail rather than facts, the conclusions drawn from such nonsense are still garbage in garbage out.

@MattHardy Matt, you seem unable to understand that theoretical physicists sent crap to the Daily Mail to deceive readers and get.more money from taxpayers.

@yvilletom hahahahahahahaha


Spends the entire time rubbishing conventional science and says nothing about why his ideas might be better. Perhaps because they aren't.

Coffeo Level 8 Aug 8, 2021

Your “conventional” science is theoretical, untested and untestable. It is rubbish.

You accept a mathematician’s not understanding gravity, so he invents general relativity, a peculiar-looking “trampoline” and space-time?


Bullshit as usual.

racocn8 Level 9 Aug 8, 2021

Ignorance as usual

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