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How Are Stars Born? Thunderbolts 15 min.

Scott Douglass September 18, 2021 - 16:00 Multimedia

Independent researcher, Stuart Talbott, deconstructs the standard model of gravitational collapse and mass accretion to create stars over eons of time—versus—the EU model of the electromagnetic phenomenon called the Z-pinch, also known as the Bennett pinch, as the force governing the rapid formation of stars.

Hannes Alfvén, who predicted stars form by Z-pinches along vast networks of filaments, like beads on a string, wrote… ”important fields of research, including the formation of stars, are based on a neglect of Bennett’s discovery…present-day students in astrophysics hear nothing about it.”

Alfvén’s statement about students unfamiliar with the concept of electric currents in space is as true today as it was decades ago. Nevertheless, science is an ongoing endeavor, and by its intrinsic nature makes accurate the prediction that inevitably, ‘the truth will out.’

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yvilletom 8 Sep 19
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@hankster There’s always more to learn about this site.

I had posted only the above text and then, unable to get the video cllip, I tried to delete the text. For a reason I don’t know, my attempt to delete failed. The posted text without the video stayed on the screen and I was later able to add the video.

yvilletom Level 8 Sep 19, 2021

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