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January, 2022. The universe is electric. Think sustainable energy. Think clean energy production. Think remediation of a half century of deadly nuclear waste.

Info for investors at []
Nine short videos, fifteen minutes

Info for scientists at []
Menus, multiple videos, some of them thirty-plus minutes.

Info for historians at []
Search on “safire” or other cosmology-related terms.

yvilletom 8 Jan 22
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Followers of this belief system variously describe it as the Electric Universe, Plasma Cosmology, or Safire Project or Thunderbolts Project. As usual, this promotion seeks to solicit money for those at the top of the pyramid.

The following video details the Electric Universe cult and associated nonsense. I've been taken in by fraudsters, and it's no fun. I have sympathy for those who are still stuck and giving loyalty to hucksters.

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 22, 2022

Howard, I tried noting the time points of his errors and briefly describing them but there are too many.

He mentions fusion, magnetic reconnection, black holes, general relativity, and dark matter, some them often, They are all fictions.

If you believe that fusion is fiction, black holes and general relativity are fictions, you must realize your beliefs are daily disproven by scientists everywhere, and none of them agree with you. That is a paranoid delusion, if not insanity. You've been brainwashed. I hope you find a way out of it. Do you really want to live the rest of your life being duped by charletons? That would be sad and pathetic. And then projecting the claim of delusion on the rest of the scientific world? WAKE UP!!!

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Posted by racocn8I saw some articles on meteorite composition and ended up with this picture.

Posted by racocn8Here are some photos of eggs deposited on the underside of leaves.

Posted by racocn8Here are some photos of eggs deposited on the underside of leaves.

Posted by racocn8Here are some photos of eggs deposited on the underside of leaves.

Posted by racocn8Here are some photos of eggs deposited on the underside of leaves.

Posted by racocn8Here are some photos of eggs deposited on the underside of leaves.

Posted by Slava3That makes me nervous

Posted by Slava3So we are part of a Cosmic ecosystem?

Posted by SergeTafCamNot too long ago I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of a peacock's feather.

Posted by SergeTafCamNot too long ago I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of a peacock's feather.

Posted by SergeTafCamWhat's your favorite color?

Posted by SergeTafCamWhat's your favorite color?

Posted by SergeTafCamWhat's your favorite color?

Posted by SergeTafCamWhat's your favorite color?

Posted by SergeTafCamWhat's your favorite color?

Posted by SergeTafCamExciting times.

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