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I hear the question all the time, "Do you believe in Evolution?" I learned the Theory of Evolution before and during the age of the non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA) of Stephen Jay Gould.
I never heard people express Evolution in terms of belief growing up. I accept Evolution as a valid scientific theory and paradigm, but I do not "believe" in Evolution any more than I believe in the Theory of Gravity or the Theory of Electromagnetism. Now I realize the boundaries between science and spirituality have thinned over the years to prompt some scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, to blur the lines and cross over. Yet, I prefer to reserve "belief" for matters/questions of faith and think it's probably just as much a mistake to treat science like a religion as it is to treat religion like a science. Any thoughts?

Heraclitus 8 June 8
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For the quad zillion time YUP

Marine Level 8 June 9, 2018

I think you're being a bit too literal with the idea that the word "belief" only applies to religion.

"Accept that (something) is true, especially without proof." - OED

It isn't "accept that (something) is true only when there's no proof," which I think is closer to "faith."

bingst Level 8 June 9, 2018

I can accept a semantic distinction between "belief" and "faith" but I think perhaps you are placing too much faith in a single dictionary definition. 😉
I also think this is perhaps a moot point from the standpoint of the opening statement.
However, this opens up a car of worms regarding the distinction between "proof" and "evidence" which I consider to be two very different things. Believers can point to evidence of God, but they cannot point to proof of God.


You nailed it.

Dingodog Level 7 June 8, 2018

I agree: belief has no place in science.

Coffeo Level 8 June 8, 2018

Science doesn't rely on belief to work. It is critical thinking.
If all knowledge and books were lost today yet the human race still survived, then Evolution, gravity and electromagnetism will be rediscovered and concluded as a theory. I doubt the story of the imaginary friends will hold true or the same.
I do not believe in evolution, rather I understand and agree with the evidence behind the theory of evolution.

Lukian Level 8 June 8, 2018
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