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This is a little known fact about scientific papers.

Lukian 8 July 8
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One of the purposes of the scientific journals are for aspiring researchers and veteran scientists to get their work out into the scientific community. In doing so it has secondary benefits. I.e. professional recognition assists them in getting the professional recognition allowing them to be able to write and receive grants, scholarships, and other rewards. I acknowledge it doesn't seem fair to not get monetary compensation for your writing, but also realize it's part of a bigger system and without the journals much scientific work would never get the light of day.

t1nick Level 8 July 8, 2018

that is not entirely true these days considering all the literature research apps like Google Scolar for example. Also any research that receives grants from the NSF should fundamentally be free access to US residents considering those our public funds. Current publishing is a for profit antiquated system that no longer serves its original purpose.

@Lukian I won't argue that. There are still a lot of antquated practices in and science and academia

@t1nick I don't dispute that. Science literature is flawed in many respect i.e. the lack of independent experimental repeats and the lack of reporting negative or null results (which it itself a result). Being published and cited is currency in science when it should not be.


That is partly why my dissertation was more expensive than it had to be. It is unfortunate that open source publishing lacks credibility.

UUNJ Level 8 July 8, 2018

@Quazi Yes. I know quite a few people have accessed it online without me receiving a dime. I may as well share it with anyone who requests it, and I have done so. Of course, they’d have to want to read “Sexuality Education As Perceived by Physicians and Therapists: An Assessment of Attitudes and Interest in Referring Patients to Sexuality Educators (2010). ?

I've been published twice but never completed my Master's thesis for a variety of reasons. The purpose of publication is for the journal to make money not the authors. I am no longer part of the faculty so I don't get asked but my supervisors have signaled to me that they occasionally receive direct e-mail requests from universities.

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