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Scientific Ignorance of Some Professionals

I had a pest control guy come the house. He was telling me about carpenter ants. "They don't eat wood, they use wood for it's nutrients, like cellulose". Why do we eat if not use the nutrients in our food? Carpenter ants actually do not gain nutritional value from wood, they chew it up to build their nests.

How does he not have the intellectual curiosity look a few things up when his profession depends on it? He didn't get a call back.

Stephanie99 8 July 21
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I looked it up and they can't digest celuose termites require bacteria in their gut to digest it .They say they eat dead insects and carbohydrates ( honey tree sap )

Besalbub Level 8 July 21, 2018

? The post refers to carpenter ants, not termites.

@Stephanie99 Carpenter ants can not digest cellulose , they do not eat wood .

@Besalbub I know, I said that in my original post. That's what these words mean "Carpenter ants actually do not gain nutritional value from wood, they chew it up to build their nests"

@Stephanie99 OK , just sticking up for the pest control guy

@Besalbub The pest control guy said that they use wood for it's nutrients like cellulose. That was the part I was objecting to.

@Stephanie99 to imply they use it as a structural resource because they don’t eat it.

@ScientistV You think that he meant that they use cellulose as a structural resource?
He specifically said nutrient which means "a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life"


...So he said they don’t eat the wood but use it for nesting and you think he’s too stupid to perform as a technician in ridding you of pests?

Yeah, some folks are mechanics others are mechanical engineers, but the task you had only required a mechanical technique, why be so hard on a person who wants to just live/making a living? It’s bias to say if you aren’t exactly like me I shouldn’t use your service even if you can do it... you wanted him to be an intellectual and because he was blue collar you thought “nope”, how sad for you.

ScientistV Level 7 July 21, 2018

@ScientistV I was going to say something within the same lines. Since you have already, all left for me to say is that I totally agree with your logic.

If he has said that, I would have thought that he had done his homework. That is what they do. I do think that you need an understanding of what you are doing to do it well. It's not rocket science. I don't need him to be an intellectual.

He deserves the ridicule. It's his vocation, and he made statements as if he was an expert.

Okay, then how about you do your research. He gave the same description as Orkin does, and he was technically correct, the BEST KIND of correct. You, on the other hand insulted his intelligence and defamed his character because you were too stupid to understand that building a nest is different than eating. They chew it so they can carry it. Evolutionarily did you think animals that lack thumbs and fingers use their hands? You were wrong and not only were you wrong, you insulted a man for being right and you being too wrong to see that, Stephanie99, good job. ??????

@novoxguy so we ridicule inarticulate but correct people? Shit, who knew the Nobel Peace Prize was a Comedy Award.

@ScientistV They don't make the nest out of the wood, they make the nest in the holes that they make in the wood. Maybe you should reread the Orkin page. Also, the pest control guy did not say that they make nests in the wood. I did.


He owns the business.


He was not correct. He said that ants use cellulose in wood for it's nutritional content. Nutrient means "a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life." Carpenter ants cannot digest cellulose. Therefore they cannot use it for nutritional content.

I wasn't dismissive, rude or arrogant to the man. I just didn't call him back.

When I pay money for the expertise of another, I expect them to have it.


He's what I call a "rote monkey". He has memorized the basic steps to do the work, with no real understanding of what he is doing. Even in Engineering, I see people who do this.

novoxguy Level 6 July 21, 2018

Usually those pest control guys all have an ant farm at home and love bugs? Too bad for him.

Lukian Level 8 July 21, 2018
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