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Attended a Deep Learning workshop today. Things are moving at a crazy pace!

Some resources for interested folks are below.

  1. 3blue1brown's video series explaining the intuition behind neural networks.

  2. Geoffrey Hinton's group's breakthrough paper on deep learning

  3. Google's inception

There are thousands of blogs on these topics. I am a nube as well, so other members of this group can chime in with their valuable inputs!

Spongebob 7 Nov 3
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Enjoy being online again!

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very informative. I've seen this applied to protein folding prediction from genetic DNA stands.

Lukian Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

I would be interested in hearing about the workshop.

Mokvon Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

Edited my post 🙂
Also, see my reply below.


I'm not a scientist ( I obviously can't be Batman) so I may be missing something but.. any topic to the workshop?

Davekp Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

Edited my post ?
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods used to find patterns in a large dataset and make predictions. This workshop is organized by Nvidia, which makes a lot of GPUs used in gaming computers. These GPUs are especially useful for machine learning applications.
Deep learning is how Facebook shows you different ads, Alexa recognizes your voice, Amazon or Netflix make product recommendations and so on. It is also being used for medical diagnostics and for self driving cars. So, it is here to stay, apparently.

@Spongebob Gotcha'. I had heard the term before but never really grabbed onto it's meaning. your explanation was very succinct. Thanks 🙂

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