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I heard this on the radio on NPR today AS IF, it was conclusive... []

LetzGetReal 8 Nov 26
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This is legit. A Chinese researcher claims to have made twin girls resistant to HIV (see artcle with embeded video here: []
The scientific community held a special conference in Hong Kong this week to discuss the ethics of this research and for He Jiankui to defend his research: []
also HIV immunity is hypothesized to be possible by deleting or modifying the CCR5 receptor (or the gene that expresses it).

Lukian Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

Do we know a gene that could be altered to resist HIV, and how? I didn't think that the genetics and mechanism of the HIV infection process was understood in that much detail. I doubt it.

I wondered about this, too.

yes. see my reply above. It is hypothesize that modifying the CCR5 receptor can lead to immunity.

@Lukian Have there been studies with mice or anything?

@Stephanie99 there is a CCR5 Knock-out gene mouse used for HIV resistance and associated pathology.

@Lukian Thanks


I don't know what you mean by conclusive. It is true that the twins were genetically engineered using a system known as CRSPR(sp). It has been condemned worldwide. Their purpose was to engineer children that were born with a genetic resistence to AIDS

t1nick Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

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