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My turn? I feel like I am sitting around a fire and sharing, it's great!
I have a Science Degree with a triple major in pure and applied maths and theoretical physics with honours in pure math and a masters in applied math research (symmetry analysis of differential equations to be preciser). I have also dabbled in Statistical Mechanics (physics) and Exponential Sums (number theory). I have toyed with the idea of doing a PhD in something as my new job gives me some time to do other things. I teach math at the moment at the senior high school/first year university level

ripcurldane 7 Feb 13
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My goodness, how on time you are! I really need help of a mathematician! Should I ask away here or create a different thread?

Blizzard Level 7 Feb 15, 2018

Ask away, I may or may not know the answers you seek.


My bachelors is in Math. I always wanted to get a PhD in Math or statistics, but I've been out of the game for so long, I'd probably need some remedial algebra before I could pick it up at the graduate level.

CidNickel Level 5 Feb 13, 2018

It is possible!! you're never too old to do a PhD as long as you have the passion, but you do need the right environment! 🙂 So what do you do now then?

Retired Air Force. I do the same thing I did in the Air Force, but with a lot less saluting.

My reasons for getting a PhD are not very good reasons. I would likely never actually use it for anything. I'm not going to give up my nice cushy job to start at the lower levels of academia. From what I've read, it's super long hours (16+ hour days) with little pay until you have some experience.


Whoa! My 17YO Physicist wannabe and admirer of mathmaticians just gave you a bow! (;

Zster Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

I admire & applaud those who can really understand & are comfortable with math, it's just not me, unfortunately. I am pretty good with words, even some of the "denser" philosophers, & I realize that math, either "pure" or applied, as in engineering, is essential to so much of our world & our technology. I just don't have that talent, & it saddens me. But good teachers, especially those that teach at introductory levels in physics & higher math, can do so much to steer those with that potential comprehension into knowledge & understanding. I salute all teachers, no matter the subject, & I am so glad that people will still get into this field even tho the rewards are shrinking, both financially & in respect!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 13, 2018
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