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Making a robotic hand. If you watched the video to the end you will get a little seasonal surprise...

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Listen to this piano-playing robot hit all the right notes
By Frankie SchembriDec. 19, 2018 , 2:00 PM

Robots are smarter, stronger, and more complex than ever before, but they still stumble over nuanced motions that most humans take for granted, like adjusting finger pressure and speed to overcome a sticky keyboard or a lagging smartphone screen. To make these subtle adjustments, our brains interpret cues from the environment, and our finely tuned bodies modify our movements.

Taking a page from nature, researchers used 3D printing to integrate polymers of different stiffness into several soft, skeletonlike robotic hands. By creating the robot out of elastic materials, the scientists eliminated the need for motors or actuators at every joint, saving power and simplifying the design.

The scientists then mounted the skeleton hands on a robotic arm and had them play piano music in several different styles—from bouncy staccato notes to smooth glissando slides, which require the hand to stretch across an entire octave. The entire time, the robot used only its arm motor to drive the movements.

When researchers used sensors on the keyboard to track the timing and force of the robot hand, they found a close match to the movements of humans playing the same pieces of music. Compared with stiff-fingered robots, whose note hitting tends to be more precise but lacks style, the new robots were capable of more complex musical phrasing, they report today in Science Robotics.

The new hands might one day have touch sensors that can help the robot in tasks that require a delicate touch, like picking fruit or feeling for tumors. For humans, they could even be used to create more lifelike prosthetics. But for now, they’re more likely to strike a festive note at your holiday party.

Lukian 8 Dec 20
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It made me think of this AI with robotic arms painting. This was one of the better articles I could find.

My brother helps his local HS team build battle bots so it's kind of a geek thing of ours.

The tech is going to have so many applications as it comes along. I can't even imagine where it will all go.

Here's a link to the robot AI painting: []

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

nice video. feels like a OCD painter... every move is calculated. Funny how it signs it's name.

@Lukian I really loved that part! Right to left. And far prettier than my own.


I heard something about this reported on public radio. When I heard polymers, I thought it was going to be a robotic hand using electroactive polymers. []

bingst Level 8 Dec 23, 2018

ah yes. I read an article on that...


Good video. Very interesting.

Mokvon Level 8 Dec 20, 2018

Good pianist lol

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