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I saw this powerful image of a baby from Pompeii carried like a real child which reminded me of 2 interesting facts about the site:
first, that many residents did manage to flee the city before it was buried in ash.
second, the process used to recover the bodies today is ingenious: The presence of a body is found during digging when a void in the ash is revealed. Archaeologists pour plaster in the void then proceed to chip away the ash to reveal the plaster. The plaster fills the void left behind when the flesh decayed yet the skeletal bones remain encased in the plaster.

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Photo description: Stefano Vanacore, director of the laboratory at Pompeii Archaeological Site, carrying a petrified child victim of Vesuvius. In this lab restorers worked on the carefully preserved plaster casts of 86 of the Romans trapped in Pompeii in 79 AD
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Lukian 8 Mar 13
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OMSI - Oregon Museum of Science and Industry - hosted the traveling Pompeii show last year, and it was wonderful. Very disturbing, and very moving at the same time.

Rustee Level 7 Mar 20, 2019

It's on my bucket list of places to visit.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 13, 2019

I always wondered how that did that. Thanks.

Anonbene Level 8 Mar 13, 2019

YW. (ah I like it when someone learns something new from me... great feeling!)


Is that child's hand wrapped around it's back?

probably clenched in front of it's chest which is indicative of the clenching of cooked muscles.


I've travelled there and saw a few bodies. Very eerie.

Wow to think you actually were there!! I can only imagine how quiet the mind becomes at the foot of such a reality. We are always reminded that MAMA Nature has some power.

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