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jenandjuice1111 7 May 23
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unfortunately using Arabic symbols does not help! lets go binary !

magicwatch Level 7 May 24, 2019

This explains half the BS on the interwebs.

MizJ Level 8 May 24, 2019

It's a drawing of an unfinished eight... They are both wrong...


The most "unscientific" comment is the last one;

"No one wants to do any research - they just want to be right"...

Good scientists admire, respect - and often appreciate being proven wrong.

Unfortunately, many scientists are hounded by publicists...who want to get "headline news"- so they will "sensationalize" or "glorify" a finding to catch readers and gain a following...then get hired for better salaries.

So let's be fair; good scientists expect to be proven wrong. It's the publicists who give people like DJT the right to say "fake news"...and sometimes be right!

The best scientists publish their findings in prominent journals, welcome peer review and re-study, and will counter any exaggerated claims made from their findings politely, professionally, and at high levels of debate.

A scientist isn't a paid position;

it's being a super-critical thinker, tester, and writer.

Since science is taking a back seat to this present political situation in America, scientists need to step up their game so interpretations - like the one made in the meme - are well challenged.

if we don't demand better publicized scientific research - we're risking losing our species survival on the planet...and perhaps taking many other species with us.

Robecology Level 9 May 24, 2019

@powder I save a 12 minute video segment from Musk presented at the Sorbonne a few years can find the full hour video if you search for it. It's among my favorite videos of all time.

He's not very articulate - he stutters, and stammers...but his science and data is excellent.


First off, let me say your first contribution since taking over the group is both apt to today and spot on.

When I have to put our numbered samples for students, whether as part of a science lab, or a lab practicum, I always underline thev nine and six so there is no question as to their orientation. Its a small thing, but makes all the difference if orrder is disrupted. Same is true in life.

t1nick Level 8 May 24, 2019

So true about reading and researching but one thing remains solid and that is relativity. All science is relative to the position of measurement

EMC2 Level 8 May 24, 2019

Which is why your measurements must be accurate. There is intent behind every human created thing.


If the one on the left says "You see a nine" and the one on the right says "You see a six" then both will be correct !!!.... When there is a will there is a way

IamNobody Level 8 May 24, 2019

Who made the number and why? Someone is wrong.

@jenandjuice1111 That's exactly my point, if you look for something wrong then sure enough you will find it. I am proposing an alternative the other way around.


No definitive answers in science

bobwjr Level 10 May 24, 2019

But, science strives for definition.

@jenandjuice1111 strives but not always reaching like quantum physics


"That is one thing I like about Science, There is more than one answer." A line from a character in Big Bang Theory, of course it is wrong. Just because one or a society believes something is correct does not mean it is correct. One's opinion is nothing more than just an opinion, facts or theories have to have some verifiable evidence behind them, Scientific facts are correct because they have been verified and van still be verified..

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